Welcome to our Groedig - Weather: The weather forecast for your holidays!

Have you already booked your vacation in Grödig? Then make sure to check the weather forecast – in the Salzburg area, the weather can quickly change from sunshine to rain. But with a little good planning, you'll always have the right clothing or an umbrella with you!

Here you find the weather for today and for the next days! 

  • In the morning
  • Lunchtime
  • In the evening
  • Tomorrow
  • Monday
  • Tuesday

LiveCam Pension Bergfried

Webcam Pension Bergfried | Grödig bei Salzburg

LiveCam Zeppezauerhaus / Untersberg - Berchtesgadener Alpen - Blick nach Norden

Zeppezauerhaus / Untersberg - Berchtesgadener Alpen - Blick nach Norden

Position: 47.72282,13.007796     Direction: 350° Altitude: 1730m

The camera is located at Untersberg in the Berchtesgaden Alps at 1,730m above sea level and is mounted on a lift support.

The view is to the north. In the foreground you can see the Zeppezauerhaus and in the background the city of Salzburg.

Owner and operator of the camera is the Alpenverein Salzburg.

In Grödig, you can embark on a culinary journey. Here, close to the beautiful city of Mozart, food enthusiasts will be fully satisfied. You will find traditional inns that spoil you with delicious homemade dishes, restaurants with high-quality international cuisine, as well as specialty restaurants with their own fish and caviar cultivation. You can find all information about our establishments here.

From Grödig, you can easily reach the most beautiful sights in Salzburg city in just a few minutes by car or public transportation. A bus regularly takes you directly from Grödig to Salzburg and back - and with the SalzburgCard, it's even free. The festival city is best explored on foot and impresses with numerous highlights and attractions, small cafes, interesting museums, and a very special atmosphere.

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